How to sign up as a Beta Tester

The time is drawing closer as we put the final touches to the beta client to get it into your hands. Watch out for the upcoming news of the release. What we can share is the process for how you will sign up. 

Its a simple three step process to get the beta in your hands, as detailed below. We will then go through a set time period of testing (yet to be confirmed) to allow everyone the time to feedback the results and thoughts to the dev team, or maybe even add suggestions for future features to be included, we really do want to hear from you. Then we will rebuild the client with changes/fixes and retest before releasing it to the public. This is to ensure when we release to the public, we have the best working version for everyone to use with minimal bugs. Of course there will be updates after release as with any software. 

We have already made a feature request section in our discord channel for everyone to offer suggestions of features to be added and we’ve already had some amazing requests from the community. Head in and give us your thoughts. We have answered many questions already in our discord to help clarify what SimFly can do and everyone is eagerly waiting for the release of SimFly. 

How to sign up as a Beta Tester SImfly

Once we have complied a new build, we will quickly test that version and then it will be released to the public for everyone to access. Here is the process for accessing the beta client:

  • Step One:
    Announce the beta sign up date to access the form: 1 Week 
  • Step Two:
    Release form on the website/choose the beta participants: 3 Weeks 
  • Step Three:
    Start the beta/collect feedback/requests/rebuild client: 4-12 weeks

Above timescales are from announcement to action. So the first one is one week from when we announce that the form will be live on our website, to the form actually going live on the website. This ensures everyone knows exactly what is going on, when it happens.   

We look forward to hearing your feedback and as always will keep you updated on any other news. There are videos on YouTube starting to come out that further explain SimFly and we will continue to work hard to deliver you a great addon for the community. 

SimFly – Take off and get more!


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