SimFly Beta Testing Update: It has begun!

At SimFly we are excited to announce that we have now moved into the initial testing phase for our release later this year.

As you read this, emails are being sent out to the testers on how they can download the beta client and what they need to do to test it. Their feedback will steer the future release of the client and we are excited to hear what they have to say about it. 

The initial testing phase is simple and will have a set time period attached to it before we move into the next round of testing which will include more features for the final release. 

We are taking it slowly on purpose both with the client and information we release so we can deliver the best product to the community, that fully understand what they will do on launch and not release something that doesn’t work or is mis-undeerstood. We thank everyone in our community who has supported in good faith and shared our work with their communities. We have a channel in our discord where anyone is allowed to link in their community to share with our as we feel that its better to share and we want to help grow each other as we grow. The channel is called #pilotlogs and anyone using the beta or final release can link in their videos and streams for others to see. 

On the website, we have a pre-sale that is in its final hours where you can receive 30% off on airports, airplanes and licenses. Those that have supported us in the early days will have rewards at the launch of SimFly later this year. 

We are happy with our supportive community we are growing who are friendly and helpful within our discord, that share faithfully what SimFly is all about to their friends. There is so much more to say, but for now that is enough. 

Of course we will keep everyone updated with every step we make and we look forward to the news sites getting in touch with us to talk about promotions and early news access before the final client release.

SimFly – Take off and get more!

We also want to hear your feedback on features you would like to see in its release and future updates.

We are now preparing a competition giveaway for planes and airports happening in November/December just prior to the release of the SimFly client, and there will be a launch of videos on YouTube showing how to use SimFly in detail for the new flight simmer who has yet to access what SimFly has to offer.

We also are starting our Developer Discussions next month on the 15th, where the devs get their say on SimFly, how they created it, and how the development is going. You can watch that series on the YouTube channel here:

SimFly Beta Testing Update: It has begun!


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