SimFly Client Version 1.0.8 Release

We are excited to announce that we release the Beta Tester Phase 2: Test Pilot Mission is now available for our beta testers.🚀

From the beginning of our journey, your support has been the wind beneath the wings of our project. Thanks to daily feedback, we have achieved significant milestones. Every test, report, and suggestion has helped us improve and build an experience that increasingly meets your expectations.

Despite our successes, our journey still has many stops ahead. The team is tirelessly working to activate all the planned features and to ensure that your journey on SimFly is not only enjoyable but also flawless.

With the Beta Test Pilot Mission, users will have the opportunity to personally choose their departure and destination. At the beginning of the mission the system is designed to automatically identify the airport based on the plane’s position in the simulator. Additionally, a route tracking feature has been implemented, allowing users to monitor their journey in detail. These are just some of the features our team is diligently developing. We are working to activate the features that are not yet available, and thanks to the valuable feedback provided by our beta testers, we will be able to significantly enhance the user experience.

Thank you for your support.

SimFly – Take off and get more!


Beta Test Pilot Mission Now Available!


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