Latest News on Test Pilot Mission

We are excited to bring you some updates about the progress of our Test Pilot Mission, which are about to make your flying experience more comprehensive!

We have been tirelessly working to improve the Test Pilot Mission and are now ready to reveal what will be soon a major update: the integration of SimFly with SimBrief. This means you’ll be able to plan your flight with a simple click, making the entire process not only easier, but also more accurate. As you can see in the video below, you will have all the necessary information for your flight at your fingertips, from the Flight Summary to the route, and even navigation charts.

And there’s more: once you upload your flight plan, you will be able to directly see the planned route on the map with the departure, arrival, and alternate airports clearly highlighted. This will not only help you better plan your trip, but also give you a clear view of the path ahead.

To discover all the details of these exciting updates, we have prepared a video that will guide you through each new feature and offer. Watch the video below and immerse yourself in the world of the Test Pilot Mission.

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Latest News on Test Pilot Mission


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