Hello SimFly pilots, welcome to our weekly update!

We know you’ve been eagerly waiting to see your experience points increase in your logbook, and the long-awaited moment has finally arrived. Today marks the start of the beta phase of our XP, open to everyone. However, please keep in mind that as this is a beta phase, XP is currently distributed without additional checks and without an anti-cheat system. This means that at the end of the testing phase, a complete reset will be essential, wiping all data related to your flights, including the accumulated experience points. The beta version is specifically designed for thorough testing of all aspects, and this precaution is taken to ensure the highest quality and reliability in the official version, where XP will be genuinely earned.

We invite you to collaborate with us in testing the proper functioning of the system. Below, you’ll find a list of new features that will be explained in the video:

  • Beta XP Release
  • Flight Report
  • Logbook
  • New Affiliate Program Section


Don’t miss the video from our CTO Roberto Capodieci to discover all the details!

To our beta testers, we invite you to visit the following link to access “Test phase 3: Experience Points, Flight Report, Logbook.” In this section, you will find a detailed list of tests to be carried out, which will help us further refine these new features.

SimFly – Take off and get more!

Experience Points Beta - Release


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