Hello SimFly pilots, here we are for a new weekly update on our latest developments!

After introducing experience points in the beta version, some of you have raised relevant questions that we found interesting and believe can bring significant value not only to those currently experiencing SimFly but also to all individuals investing in this experience.

Here are some topics you’ll find in the video:

  • Reasons why experience points are not yet finalized.
  • Bugs in the mission.
  • Missing and occasionally incorrect data.
  • Don’t miss the video from our CTO, Roberto Capodieci, to discover all the details!

To our beta testers, if you haven’t already done so, we invite you to visit the following link to access “Test Phase 3: Experience Points, Flight Report, Logbook.” In this section, you will find a detailed list of tests to perform that will help us further refine these new features.

SimFly – Take off and get more!

Let's delve into the Beta XP details!


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