Dear Pilots,

Here we are again this week with an update on the latest developments. In recent days, we have reached an important milestone by successfully completing the tests on the timer system of the Simfly brain. This not only significantly improves the functionality of our system but also confirms the robustness of the modifications we have made.

Continuing on this path of success, we are pleased to announce that the tests on the Sky Sentinel system have also concluded positively this week. With these latest results, we can confidently say that the programming of the Simfly brain is now completely finished, and everything seems to be working perfectly.

Looking to the future, we are close to launching the updated system—you can follow Roberto’s video on the possible release dates.

We anticipate that there will be a service interruption of about four hours at the time of release, necessary to implement the new system safely and smoothly. We know this may cause some inconvenience, and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

We are excited to announce that the new Beechcraft Baron G58 is now available on our marketplace! During this initial launch phase, you can take advantage of an exclusive launch offer: an incredible 50% discount. Don’t miss the opportunity to add this extraordinary aircraft to your fleet at half price!

SimFly – Take off and get more!

Brain, programming completed and release!


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