Progress on Scores and New Features

Dear SimFly Pilots,

We are excited to update you on our progress and the new features we are introducing to enhance your flying experience. Currently, work on the scores is ongoing, and we are in the testing phase. We have completed the flight analysis and are now ensuring everything functions correctly, resolving any errors that may arise.

One of the most interesting new features is the introduction of a new section called “log penalties” in the flight report. This detailed section will allow you to see the list of penalties with descriptions. You can also click on each penalty to see exactly where it was committed on the map. This feature will be available with the release of the flight analysis, and we are confident it will help you improve your performance.

We are continuing with the tests and will notify you as soon as the work is completed, so you can try out all these new features.

Additionally, we remind you of our Q/A AMA section, where you can ask questions that we will be happy to answer, creating a direct and engaging interaction with our community.

To discover all the details and see the new features in action, don’t miss Roberto’s video! Click here to watch it and stay tuned for further updates

Thank you for your continued support!

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