Important! SimFly Client 1.1.6 Update Instructions

Dear Pilots,

We’ve spotted some issues affecting flights in MSFS2020 and X-Plane 11/12. While we work on fixes, please follow the quick steps below to avoid any disruptions.

MSFS2020 Users

We have identified a crash-to-desktop (CTD) issue with version 1.1.6 of our client. During the update, if you answer “No” to the question “Do you want to use the VR function in MSFS2020?”, the SimFly folder in the Community directory does not get updated.

This can lead to crashes if the SimFly icon in the top bar of the simulator is active, as an outdated version of the folder is used.

To prevent this issue:

  1. Close the simulator.
  2. In the client, go to “Settings” and enable the “Use FS2020 In-Sim Popup” checkbox.
  3. Select the Community folder.


If you later decide you don’t want to see messages in the simulator, you can disable this option and turn off the SimFly icon in the simulator’s top bar. Otherwise, if you wish to keep messages active, ensure that the SimFly icon is turned on in the top bar.

For X-Plane 11/12 Users: We have observed that some users experience CTDs during particularly long flights when the “Use X-Plane In-Sim Popup” option (available in the client settings) is enabled.

Temporary Solution: We recommend disabling the “Use X-Plane In-Sim Popup” function in the client to avoid these crashes. We are working on identifying and permanently resolving the cause of this issue.

SimFly – Take off and get more!

Important! SimFly Client 1.1.6 Update Instructions


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