24 – 84 HOURS RULE


Objective of the Rule

SimFly establishes maximum flight time limits to ensure fair play. These limits only affect the Experience Points (XP) awarded and do not represent a limit on the number of flights that can be performed, nor their duration. These limits are designed to reward players with less time available, without excessively penalizing those who play more frequently. The available minutes progressively increase with the higher grade of the flight license, offering players the opportunity to “reset” these limits through the use of different licenses.


How It Works

  • Personal Rotating Clock: each player has a personal clock linked to their profile if they do not have one or more active flight licenses. Active flight licenses each have a separate clock.
  • Time Zones: There is no global reference time; this system ensures fairness to players in different parts of the world.
  • Time Limits: Two limits apply: 24 hours and 84 hours (half a week). These periods start at the moment of a flight’s landing. At the end of a timer, the total available minutes are replenished.
  • Once the timer limits are exceeded, the awarding of “Experience Points” is calculated for a maximum percentage variable for each Pilot License grade.
  • Only the minutes counted to award “Experience Points” are deducted from the timers.
  • When the 84-hour timer runs out, the 24-hour timer will also be replenished at the end of the 84-hour timer countdown.


EX Points System and Time Limits

  • Time to Points Conversion: Each minute of flight equals 1 XP.
  • Two Timers: There are two time counters, one of 24 hours and one of 84 hour



  • Initial Situation: You have a Grade 1 Flight License (Cadet). You don’t fly for several days, so both your timers show the maximum available minutes: 60 minutes for the 24-hour timer and 120 minutes for the 84-hour timer.

First Flight

  • Flight Start: Monday at 14:00, you make a 90-minute flight.
  • At Landing:
    • 24-hour Timer: exhausted (60 minutes – 60 minutes of counted flight)
    • 84-hour Timer: 60 minutes remaining (120 – 60 minutes of counted flight).
  • XP Earned:
    • For the first 60 minutes, you earn 60 XP (1 XP/minute).
    • For the remaining 30 minutes, you earn 9 XP (30% of 30 minutes, because you exceeded the limit of the 24-hour timer).
    • Total: 69 XP.


Timer Recharge and Second Flight

Timer Recharge: On Tuesday at 14:00, the 24-hour timer resets to 60 minutes, while the 84-hour timer remains at 60 minutes and will reset (to the total of 120 minutes) on Friday at 02:00.

  • Second Flight: On Tuesday at 15:00, you start another 120-minute flight.
  • At takeoff, you have 60 minutes on the 24-hour timer and 60 minutes on the 84-hour timer.
  • At Landing:
    • 24-hour Timer: exhausted (60 minutes – 60 minutes of counted flight).
    • 84-hour Timer: exhausted (60 minutes remaining – 60 minutes of counted flight).
  • XP Earned:
    • For the first 60 minutes, you earn 60 XP (1 XP/minute).
    • You earn another 18 XP for the 60 minutes of flight (calculated at 30% due to exceeding both timer limits).
    • For the remaining 60 minutes, you earn 18 XP (30% of 60 minutes, because you exceeded both timer limits).
    • Total: 78 XP.


Timer Recharge

Since the 84-hour timer has ended, the 24-hour timer will also be fully replenished at the end of the 84-hour timer countdown, which is at 02:00 on Friday.



In summary, your earnings in XP depend on the duration of your flights and the limits imposed by the 24-hour and 84-hour timers. If you exceed the limit of a timer, the points earned for the excess minutes will be reduced


SimFly Graphical Interface

SimFly offers a graphical interface that displays the deadlines of the two counters (24 and 84 hours) and their available and replenished minutes.

  • Once the timer limits are exceeded, the awarding of “Experience Points” is calculated at a maximum percentage variable for each Pilot License grade.


Summary Table of Limits

This table shows the maximum limits (expressed in minutes) for the 24-hour and 84-hour counters. It also includes the percentage of Experience Points (XP) awarded when exceeding the timer limits.

table timer XP SimFly 2

Final Note

These rules are designed to ensure a fair gaming experience for all pilots in SimFly, regardless of their time availability. Use flight licenses to extend your limits and enjoy the flight simulator in the way you prefer.


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